Who is responsible for obtaining a Data Use Agreement?


The University at Albany will enter Data Use Agreements (DUAs) for faculty, staff, and students conducting work under the auspices of the University. The University will only enter a DUA after the review of the terms and conditions to ensure University and Principal Investigator/Project Director (PI/PD) are capable of fulfilling the obligations of the agreement. 

The PI/PD is responsible for the conduct of all activities involving the data. PI/PD is responsible for identifying the data needed to fulfill obligations to the University and seeking University approval for entering a DUA with the data owner/provider. Moreover, the PI/PD must ensure the project is carried out in compliance with federal and state regulations; the terms, conditions, and policies of the data provider; any sponsor requirements; and all UAlbany polices and procedures, such as the protection of human subjects data. As such, the PI will agree to be responsible for meeting the terms and conditions of the DUA and following the procedures detailed in the project’s Data Management Plan (DMP).   

For student DUAs, UAlbany requires that a faculty advisor serve as Co-PI/PD and be listed on the DUA. In this role, the Co-PI/PD will agree to guide the student in the appropriate use of data, be accountable for ensuring the student researcher understands and complies with their responsibilities as data user/recipient, meets the terms of the DUA, and follows the procedures in the DMP. 


  • Last Updated Mar 13, 2023
  • Views 44
  • Answered By Emily K

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