What is a Data Use Agreement?


A Data Use Agreement (DUA) is a written documentation of obligations between the entity that owns or provides access to a data source (e.g., a dataset or database) and the recipient of the data, in whole or in part, for reuse. 

A DUA details the terms and limitations on how the data may be used, including further sharing. The data recipient may need to implement certain controls to ensure the terms of the DUA are met.  

Examples of limitations include restricting access to the shared data, requiring that any research dissemination include citation of the data and its originating entity, requiring that data files are destroyed at the completion of research period, and restrictions on data use for commercial purposes. 

DUAs are frequently required for access to data that contain confidential or proprietary information.


  • Last Updated Mar 13, 2023
  • Views 49
  • Answered By Emily K

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