What are altmetrics and how can I use them in my promotion and tenure dossier?


Altmetrics (alternative metrics; article-level metrics) are measures of attention or influence. Altmetrics were generated as a way to quantify the rapid spread of scholarly ideas through social media, article downloads, and other web based activities. Some altmetric indicators also factor in citation-based data as part of their formula. The main two altmetric indicators are the Altmetric.com “donut” https://www.altmetric.com/about-our-data/the-donut-and-score/  and the Plum Analytics “PlumPrint” https://plumanalytics.com/visualizing-impact-the-plum-print/.

Looking at how an altmetric score is derived often provides information about research impact that can be woven into a promotion/tenure research statement.

For more information on altmetrics, see this library guide: https://libguides.library.albany.edu/c.php?g=536827&p=3675059

For assistance in interpreting altmetric indicators, contact Elaine Lasda, Subject Specialist for Research Impact elasda@albany.edu or your subject librarian (https://future.library.albany.edu/find-a-subject-librarian) may also be able to help.

  • Last Updated Jan 27, 2020
  • Views 4
  • Answered By Elaine Lasda

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