Answered By: UAlbany Libraries
Last Updated: Sep 03, 2021     Views: 171

  1. You are using the campus VPN. Solution: Please disable the VPN when accessing databases from off-campus.
  2. Your browser is not set to accept cookies. Solution: Consult the Cookie Information page to be sure your browser is correctly configured.
  3. Your computer is protected by firewall software. Solution: Your firewall's security setting may be too high. Lower it to "medium" or the equivalent, and try connecting again. In addition, you may need to lower the cookie protection within your firewall software. Check the privacy settings and make sure that cookies are allowed and not being blocked.
  4. Your wired or wireless computer is connected to the Internet through a highspeed cable or DSL router. Solution: Your computer may have a non-routable network address. If this is the case, it may not be able to connect to the Libraries' resources. You can check this on a Windows machine by selecting Start >> Run >> and typing "cmd." A command prompt window will appear. Type "ipconfig." If you see the address 192.168 or another non-routable IP address, call your Internet Service Provider or router customer support and ask how to turn off network address translation.
  5. You are using a bibliographic utility that includes authentication/proxy settings, like Zotero or EndNote. Solution: Disable the utility in your browser or quit the app, and try again. You may need to clear your browser history and restart your browser after disabling or quitting the program.

  6. None of the above is the case. Solution: Clear your browser history and close and restart your browser. Steps for doing this vary from browser to browser, so if you're not sure how to do this, there are many helpful guides online. Try a different browser. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer or Safari, try Firefox. If you have more than one computer at home, try another one.