How do I request a book from the library?

I am using SEARCH to find books, I found one but I don't know how to request it. I want to  place a hold on items. Where can I find a book's location?


Use the Get It feature in our SEARCH tool to request library items.

Get It shows you the following information for each item we own (books, DVDs, etc.) displayed in your search results:

  • Locations in which the item can be found - example: Science Library, Dewey Library, or University Library)
  • Availability of the title - Is it on the shelf right now? Is it lost or missing? Is it brand new and still being prepared for the shelves?
  • Request options - Request it to be pulled from the shelves. You will be notified when items are ready for pickup.

Get it button on SEARCH item record page

  • Last Updated Aug 11, 2020
  • Views 593
  • Answered By Kabel Stanwicks

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